USB charging speed is different, must also understand the impact of the difference in cable specifications!
In this era when USB charging applications are popular, everyone knows how to choose high-output current products when buying USB chargers and power banks, but the importance of USB cables is often ignored. I don't know that the difference in specifications that you have never cared about will affect the power transmission to different degrees. What is reflected is the difference in the fast charging effect. This time, let us establish a concept of wire specifications and specifications, which may solve your confusion.

The USB cable will control the charging speed:

A USB cable charging speed is different the main reason is the difference in cable design specifications. Even if you are buying a wire product that claims to be certified by Apple, it only represents device compatibility and may not be equated with charging speed. The wire is a bridge between the power supply and the device. Based on the influence of the law of "transmission loss", you can pay attention to some details.

Basic knowledge of wire specification:

Please turn over the USB cable at hand and carefully notice the printed words on the cable. Various cables are generally designed and produced in accordance with UL and CSA standards. Usually, the cable is marked with the type and specifications of the standard. It is not difficult to find some identification basis. UL is Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and CSA is the Canadian Standards Association, both of which are industrial standards establishment and safety certification bodies.

The UL and CSA specifications focus on the temperature and voltage of the wire, as well as the wire type and suitable use, covering a wide range of fields. Compared with home, commercial environment, and industrial use, the power transmission conditions of mobile devices are as low as in pediatrics. In a normal use situation, you don’t need to care too much about this difference, you just need to know its literal meaning.

Want to charge fast, please know the AWG specification:

The relevant clues of the wire structure can also be found on the appearance of the body, and the printed words are generally 28AWG/2C+26AWG/2C or 28AWG/1P, 26AWG/2C and the like. AWG stands for American Wire Gauge, which is a kind of design specification for the internal composition of the wire, and it is also the most commonly adopted industry standard. The number is the wire number, which is used to indicate the wire diameter of the wire. The basic marking principles are 26AWG, 16AWG,etc...

The smaller the AWG value, the thicker the wire diameter. The smaller the value of the wire, the thicker the wire diameter? The point is the difference in cross-sectional area. Each signal wire of the USB cable is composed of many small soft copper wires, tinned soft copper wires and other types of wires. For example, 20AWG is stuffed with 20 wires, while 10AWG has only 10 wires. Relatively speaking, the diameter of each wire of 10AWG is relatively thick, and the cross-sectional area is naturally larger than 20AWG. The diameter of these small wires is directly proportional to the amount of current that can be carried, that is, the thicker the wire, the higher the capacity.

Citipack is a international professional mobile phone charging accessories companies and factory, we can definitely help you achieve the most suitable specifications and prices for you, please feel free to contact us.


AWG design can withstand different currents:

Because it is difficult to find USB cables at the moment, the AWG specifications can accurately carry current capacity information, so only the information available on the Internet is for your reference. However, it is certain that for the general application of USB cables, the smaller AWG can withstand a higher amount of current, and the key lies in the cross-sectional area.

Of course, AWG is only an industrial design specification, and it is based on safety. Because the quality of wire rod production and the ambient temperature of use will have a great impact on the conduction characteristics, many of the variables are difficult to be exhausted, so the reference point can only be found based on the design specifications. The key concept is to keep your eyes open when buying, and try to choose a wire with a thicker appearance and a higher AWG specification.

Citipack is a international professional mobile phone charging accessories companies and factory, we can definitely help you achieve the most suitable specifications and prices for you, please feel free to contact us.
